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STEM  (Senior High)

This strand is designed for students who desire to pursue college degrees centered on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM).

Science Lab

ABM (Senior High)

Accountancy, Business and Management Strand (ABM) The Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) strand would focus on the basic concepts of financial management, business management, corporate operations, and all things that are accounted for.

Business Meeting
Young Professor

HUMMS (Senior High)

The Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) strands equip students with a wide range of discipline with the use of their experiences and skills into the investigation and inquiry of human situations by studying its behavior and social changes using empirical, analytical, and critical method techniques.

Cross Pendant

AB Religious (College)

The  Bachelor of Arts in Religious Education graduates are able to present the relevance of scripture and theology to real life, the world and issues confronting the human person, ecology, the significance of Catholic teachings in day-to-day living and lead people to prayer and encounter with Jesus;

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